Welcome to Energy Paintings


We like to invite you to a tour through some of Ji Kwang Dae Poep Sa Nim’s art work.


The paintings you will see are a unique style in combining and unifying the ancient practice of spiritual writings from the eastern world with the colorful pictorialism of the western world.

Please enjoy!

Dragon Year

Dragon Year

7188 February 13, 2012  Lotus Buddhist Monastery Historically speaking, everyone has worries and fears about this dark Water Dragon year. I have today completed a painting because I want to help eliminate your apprehensions and qualms and for all of you to have peace...

Wedding Couple

Wedding Couple

Helping you to have a good relationship and always be protected by Buddha. To have good luck.

Bodhisattva with Tiger and Lion

Bodhisattva with Tiger and Lion

Helping you to be protected and to come out of difficulties, especially with negative and financial problems, so you can have great prosperity.